Our services

British qualifications hold exceptional global prestige, and institutions beyond the UK offering them often find immense value in gaining a British perspective on their quality assurance processes—precisely what we offer. CC&AA accredits providers in many countries worldwide, delivering an unparalleled standard of recognition and assurance.

CC&AA Independent Higher Education Accreditation

If your courses are validated by a UK university, CC&AA offers independent higher education accreditation to demonstrate that all facets of your organisation adhere to UK standards in your local context. As an independent higher education institution teaching in English outside the UK, CC&AA's accreditation provides enhanced visibility in a fiercely competitive market and fosters confidence in the quality of your institution.

The global reputation of UK higher education attracts students from around the world. External recognition of your institution, both locally and globally, provides a competitive advantage in attracting the most capable students.

CC&AA conducts inspections across key areas, including management, teaching, student welfare, and premises, ensuring that your organization meets the high standards required of a higher education institution in the UK but adapted to a local context. Successful achievement in these areas results in independent higher education accreditation from the Council for Certification and Accreditation (CC&AA) for a four-year term.

Inspection areas include:

Governance, Strategy, and Financial Management

Academic Management and Administration

Teaching, Learning, and Assessment

Student Recruitment, Support, Guidance, and Progression

Premises, Facilities, and Learning Resources

Quality Management, Assurance, and Enhancement

The Independent Higher Education Institution (IHEI) accreditation scheme caters to institutions delivering the majority of their programs at the higher education level. The standards and key indicators are tailored to the delivery of higher education, drawing insights from the UK’s Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education and the responsibilities outlined in the Handbook for the Quality Management of Collaborative Provision developed by the Council of Validating Universities. This scheme is open to institutions based in the UK and internationally.

For providers of higher education, the Independent Higher Education accreditation scheme by CC&AA adds value and prestige to your institution.

How to Apply:

Detailed information on the application and inspection process is outlined in the "What is Involved" section. When you are ready, email for requesting the enquiry form below to info@2c2a.co.uk or click to contact online. A member of the CC&AA team will contact you to organise a meeting to discuss accreditation.

If you are considering having your strengths recognized against an established standard, it makes sense to choose the original and proven accreditation service: The Commity for College and Academic Accreditation (CC&AA). Achieving Educational Oversight is crucial when targeting Tier 4 students, but is it enough to make you the top choice for your prospective students? An independent audit of your premises, processes, and staff by an experienced, highly respected accreditation body like CC&AA can provide that distinctive edge.

For many years, college accreditation has been CC&AA's longest-established quality assurance scheme. This comprehensive scheme involves application and self-evaluation, followed by a detailed on-site inspection covering:

Management, staffing, and administration

Teaching, learning, and assessment

Student welfare

Premises and facilities

Successful achievement in all these areas awards you college accreditation by the Council for College and Academic Accreditation for a period of four years.

Is This the Right Scheme for You?

College accreditation is ideal for independent further education institutions aiming to demonstrate the quality of their provision to students, potential students, and government agencies. CC&AA also offers approved candidate for accreditation status for up to six months, catering to newly established providers that are yet to recruit students.

How Will it Benefit You?

In addition to adding value and raising the standards of your organization, college accreditation through CC&AA brings many further benefits, including:

Improving your status and distinction with our mark of quality

Staying up-to-date with relevant and current information bulletins

Enhancing your staff's effectiveness through professional development opportunities

Recruiting international students on student visitor visas

Attract prospective students by being featured in our directory of colleges

Benefit from cost savings through our array of discounts on professional services

Receiving support and advice from our helpful and efficient team of staff

How to Apply:

For full details on the application and inspection process, refer to the "What is Involved" section. To proceed with the application, complete the CC&AA email for requesting the enquiry form below to info@2c2a.co.uk or click to contact online. A staff will then contact you to discuss the next steps.

In a competitive job market, many individuals seek to enhance their qualifications without committing to full-time study. Online, distance, and blended learning provide a flexible solution for busy learners. How can you stand out as the preferred choice for potential online and distance learners?

CC&AA’s accreditation for online, distance, and blended learning can elevate your profile by offering external recognition of the high standards your organization has achieved. It instills confidence in potential learners and the companies supporting them, assuring them of your organization's quality.

This accreditation involves a visit to your head office and an inspection of your online and distance training, with a focus on the quality of your management, delivery, and technical support. If your offerings include blended learning, face-to-face provision will also be inspected.

Successful achievement in these areas results in online, distance, and blended learning accreditation by the Council for Certification and Accreditation (CC&AA) for four years.

Is this the right scheme for you?

ODBL accreditation is tailored for education and training providers predominantly delivering courses through online or distance teaching methods. Whether your provision is entirely online or at a distance, or a combination with some face-to-face (blended) learning, this scheme is designed to meet your needs.

How to apply

Complete details on the application and inspection process are outlined in the "What is Involved" section. To proceed with the application, email for requesting the enquiry form below to info@2c2a.co.uk or click to contact online. A member of staff will then contact you to discuss the subsequent steps.

CC&AA Independent English Language Provider Accreditation Scheme

To address the global demand for the delivery of high-quality English language education, CC&AA's Independent English Language Provider accreditation scheme has been crafted by esteemed experts in accreditation and the English Language field to elevate quality standards.

This top-tier scheme provides providers with a distinctive opportunity to excel in this expanding and competitive market.

The comprehensive inspection covers five key sections:

Management, Staffing, Administration, and Quality Assurance

Teaching, Learning, and Assessment

Learner Welfare

Premises and Facilities

ODBL (if applicable)

The assessment of quality management and the provider’s quality assurance procedures is integrated throughout each area of inspection.

Successful achievement in all these areas grants you accreditation by the Council for Certification and Accreditation (CC&AA) for three years.

How to apply:

Complete information regarding the application and inspection process is provided in the "What is Involved" section. To proceed with the application, email for requesting the enquiry form below to info@2c2a.co.uk or click to contact online. A staff will then contact you to discuss the next steps.

CC&AA Short Course Provider Accreditation

Are you seeking to stand out in a crowded and competitive market, attracting more learners to your training programs? Why should a company choose your organization as their training provider among the many in the UK market? CC&AA's Short Course Provider (SCP) accreditation offers visibility and instills confidence in the quality of your organization. Obtaining external accreditation for your training programs not only enhances your reputation but also makes solid business sense, helping attract new clients and establish lasting relationships.

The SCP accreditation scheme involves a visit to your head office and an observation of your training, focusing on the quality of your management, delivery, and participant welfare. Successful achievement in these areas results in Short Course Provider accreditation by the CC&AA for a duration of four years.

Is This the Right Scheme for You?

SCP accreditation is tailored for training providers offering short courses lasting six months or less. While there is no typical training provider, common provisions include

Bespoke courses for business delegates

Vocational courses for adult learners

Seasonal courses for young people

CC&AA also offers approved candidate accreditation for up to six months, catering to newly established providers that are yet to recruit students.

How to Apply:

For full details on the application and inspection process, refer to the "What is Involved" section. To proceed with the application, email for requesting the enquiry form below to info@2c2a.co.uk or click to contact online. A staff member will then contact you to discuss the next steps.

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person touching and pointing MacBook Pro